Saturday, August 22, 2020

How Food is Viewed in the American Culture Essay examples -- nutrition

A great many people wouldn’t deny that food is fundamental to regular daily existence, yet maybe it has more significance than basically sustaining our bodies. As indicated by Carole M. Counihan, a specialist of human studies, food is imperative to the point that society has developed standards with respect to its utilization. Counihan accentuates in her 1992 Anthropology Quarterly article, â€Å"Food Rules in the United States: Individualism, Control and Hierarchy,† that these principles fill in as the â€Å"means through which people develop reality† (Counihan, 1992, p. 55). Counihan advocates for the significance of considering food decides by clarifying that information about how food is seen in our way of life can complete three things: improve comprehension of different culture’s food rules, permit sustenance instruction projects to work with these principles, and uncover a part of society that keeps up our present separation framework, which has not been altogether analyzed at this point (Counihan, 1992). Through her investigation of food diaries kept by American understudies, Counihan contends that their adherence to food decides recommends that understudies firmly put stock in discretion and independence. Therefore, these convictions strengthen our present social progressions, explicitly classism, prejudice, and sexism. Counihan’s contention that our guidelines about food take into consideration the propagation of sexism is a convincing one that I particularly concur with. I have actually observed my closest companion plan her whole eating regimen and exercise routine dependent on what her beau thinks. In spite of the fact that this article was written in 1992, I accept the message it passes on will at present be relevant in years to come. Counihan’s contention is multifaceted: she investigates a way of thinking that undergrads adhere to specific guidelines about food that have been int... ... is significant. However, since we have done as such, it is significantly progressively significant that we find a way to change what's going on. That’s why the ongoing spotlight on being solid as opposed to thin and crusades like the Dove Beauty Campaign where ladies are urged to see the magnificence by they way they as of now are so momentous to changing what Americans esteem. Despite the fact that Counihan composed this article eighteen years back, it despite everything has applications today. I do scrutinize her examination techniques. Utilizing a little example of food diaries from understudies being educated to think regarding human sciences could slant results. I would be intrigued to see a bigger report done today, particularly with some advancement being made in the adjustment of America’s values. Works Cited Counihan, C. M. (1992). Food Rules in the United States: Individualism, Control, and Hierarchy. Human sciences Quarterly, 65(2), 55-66.

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